R&D Research and development

We are studying voice
(vocal biomarkers)

PST is working on research and development of vocal biomarkers aimed at commercialization in collaboration with various universities, research institutions, medical institutions, and private companies.
We are conducting research and development of “VOISFIA®” for the medical domain, which visualizes pathological conditions*2 from voice, and “VOISLOG®” for the healthcare domain, which visualizes physical and mental conditions from voice. (MIMOSYS® is one of the technologies for the healthcare domain that visualizes the state of mind.)

  • *: Pathological conditions: Disease-specific voice symptoms
Visualizing pathological conditions from voice “VOISFIA” Medical field Vocal biomarker for the medical domain
Visualizing physical and mental conditions “VOISLOG” Healthcare field Vocal biomarker for the general public
  • *2: Pathological conditions: Disease-specific voice symptoms

R&D SCHEME Research and Development Scheme

The results of independent or joint research and development projects achieved through our unique R&D scheme have been scientifically supported by academic papers and conference presentations, and have led to the acquisition of a number of patents in Japan and overseas. With the above R&D scheme, we aim to provide next-generation solutions that contribute to solving social issues by consistently developing software products for using vocal biomarkers all the way through to the market launch.

Joint R&D Partners (honorifics omitted):
[Research institutions]
・The University of Tokyo
・Yokohama City University
・Kanagawa University of Human Services, etc.

[Private companies]
・NTT Data Japan Corporation
・SOMPO Holdings, Inc.
・Tsubasa Truck Business Cooperative, etc.
[Medical institutions]
・Kyoto University Hospital
・Yokohama City University Medical Center
・Honjo Kodama Hospital, etc.
R&D Pipeline
・Cognitive impairment
・Cardiac failure, etc.