Resonant Voices, Spinning Societies Unlocking the secret of voice Back to Voice

PST: A Leading Company in Vocal Biomarker Technology Beyond Detecting Physical & Mind Condition from Voice.
Through its voice analysis technology, PST contributes to the health and well-being of people around the world by creating an enriched society where people and voices resonate with each other, support each other, and weave their thoughts together.
ABOUT About PST Inc.
Vocal Biomarker Technology
Vocal biomarkers, which do not depend on language but focus on the “voice features” before it is expressed in words, are technology that can “visualize changes in physical and mental conditions.” This technology can be used for a wide variety of applications, ranging from the medical domain, where accuracy is key, to the healthcare domain, where the technology can be used at home, in the workplace, or in clinical practice. Now, we would like to introduce you to how this “voice analysis technology” works.
VALUE Value Proposition